On the Standard Plan, you’re able to connect 1 type of social account per network. For example, you can post updates to a single FB Group/Page/Profile, to one Linkedin profile/page, to one Google+ profile/group, to one Twitter account, and to one Pinterest account (with multiple boards of course) and schedule up to 1500 posts in advance.

If you would like a bit more flexibility, the Power Plan might be ideal! On the Power plan, you’re able to post up to 2500 social signals!

Here’s a rundown of the features you can have access to on the PowerPlan:

  • Populizr WordPress Plugin Enabled – You can pull certain content that you’ve marked on your WordPress blog post
  • Calculate the emotional and sentiment value of each meta title and meta description
  • Choose a scheduling type ( Promotional, Default, Evergreen)
  • Schedule More Posts: Up to 2500 posts

Follow this link to check out the Power Plan page

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