Earnings Disclaimer
Reality Check
Populizr.com is not your silver bullet to success. Owning this tool will not make you a marketing superstar. It’s just a catalyst, an amplifier of your current marketing prowess. It’s not a magic wand.
So just like owning a Ferrari does not make you a racer, owning Populizr won’t make you a killer-marketer. But it will help you get “somewhere” faster.
Owning a mic doesn’t make you a singer, but it will help you get the word out faster.
Owning a guitar doesn’t make you a top musician, but you will gather some crowd around.
It will be up to your own skills, and your offer, and the Product-to-Market match, to make things work.
If your product sucks, if your pitch sucks, if you act like an idiot and people hate you… Populizr can only catalyze where you’ve headed.
That’s the blunt truth.
The Legal Stuff
Any earning reports published on Populizr.com may not be transferable to other businesses. Having said that, there is NO GUARANTEE and NO WARRANTY that using the same strategies, ideas, techniques, services or products detailed on Populizr.com, will produce the same or similar results for you.
The examples mentioned in our articles, videos or other sources may or may not work for your specific situation and are not to be interpreted as a promise or a guarantee of earnings. Earning potential is dependent on various factors, spanning from your niche, your product, your immediate competition, as well as on how you would use our product, advice, techniques, and ideas.
If Populizr.com reports success stories of clients/customers, the information is accurately conveyed and is based on what that client showed us. These success stories are not to be taken as a guarantee for your success.
As with any business, your success will hinge on your positioning on the market, your individual experience, expertise, capacity, etc.
Populizr.com does not guarantee the level of success you may experience. You accept that your individual success and income depends on your background, desire, dedication, motivation, and actions.
You agree that Populizr.com is not liable for any success or failure that is directly or indirectly related to the use or purchase of our information, services, products or any other actions reviewed or advertised on our website.