connecting your Facebook page to your website

Most businesses today own a website. And those that want to tap into Social traffic, also have Business Pages on social sites. Facebook offers them the ability to create a Business Facebook Page. But creating merely the page isn’t enough anymore. You’ll need to tell Facebook that this Business Page is the official representative of the website owned by the company.

Before we go through the process of how to do that, let’s get familiar with the key term: Domain Verification first.

What Is Domain Verification

Similar to Google Console, where you have to prove to Google that you own the domain, Facebook introduced its own Domain Verification process. The reason is simple: to fight spreading fake news on the network, Facebook has to eliminate impersonating Pages. It helps users get the actual company updates. It also helps companies protect their name on Social Media.

The added benefit is that when you send scheduled updates on your verified Facebook Page, you can tell Facebook how, and most importantly WHAT, to show when you share your latest blog post. But more on that later.

Domain Verification is intended for anyone who has a website and posts on their Business Facebook Page.

Every business with a website and a Facebook Page needs to connect the two on Facebook. We call this process Domain Verification.

Why Do I Need To Verify My Domain

With the simple step of verifying your domain, you show Facebook that you are serious about Social Marketing, and you help Facebook protect your brand name from impersonating Pages.

Once Facebook knows which ONE page is linked to the corporate website, it treats all other impersonating pages as imposters. This should help your Reach.

As we mentioned already, owners of pages who verify their domains can tell Facebook how to display any shared links from your website. By default, Facebook will take the blog post’s Title, Featured Image and Meta Description. But, when you have a verified domain linked to your Facebook Page, you can tell Facebook to post the link and share any image, title, and text excerpt you choose.

Imagine the possibilities.

How To Verify My Domain

Domain Verification is a simple process. You’ll need to add a domain, assign the domain to a specific person to manage it, and then, link that domain to your Facebook Page.

Here’s a step by step guide.

1. Go to and create a Facebook Business Manager account.

Creating an account on Facebook Business Manager

2. Go to your Business Settings tab in Business Manager Account

Facebook Business Settings

3. Click Domains in the field  People And Assets, and then click Add A New Domain

Adding a new domain

4. Type in your Domain Name (e.g.,

Naming the domain

After doing this, the domain will be added to your Assets.

Then, two basic steps follow.

The first step is to prove ownership of the domain, which is similar to how we do verification for Google Console.

There are two ways to verify your domain:

  • DNS TXT Record
  • HTML file Upload

Domain verification

Domain Verification With DNS TXT Record

First way for domain verification is with DNS TXT Record. This is a domain-registrar level of verification. It’s a good option because you verify the website using your domain registrar, without altering/touching the file system of your website. It’s also the geekier way of doing stuff.

Here’s how it’s done:

1. Click DNS Verification

DNS domain verification

2. Login to the Domain Registrar and navigate to the DNS TXT Record Settings page. Then click the Add a New Record of type TXT in your DNS Configuration. This process will be slightly different for different domain registrars. Below is a screenshot of how Namecheap`s TXT record looks like:

Domain registrar

3. Add @ in the Hostname field

4. In the Content/Value field, type facebook-domain-verification=  and paste the verification code given in Facebook Business Manager

5. Return to Business Manager and click Verify. Keep in mind that DNS settings may take some time to propagate

Verifying domain

Most of the time, DNS edits take place almost immediately but be prepared to wait up to 72 hours.

Verify Your Domain With HTML File Upload

This will usually be the preferred way of verification as it’s much simpler to do.

Basically, you download a verification file from Facebook and upload it to your website’s root directory.

The procedure goes like this:

1. Click the HTML File Upload tab

HTML File Upload Domain Verification

2. Download HTML Verification File

Download HTML Verification File

3. Upload the provided file to the root directory of your website 

HTML File on your website

4. Click Verify

Veryifying HTML File Upload Domain

And that’s it. You’ve verified your website/domain with Facebook.

Let’s move on to the next step.

How To Assign Your Facebook Business Page To The Domain You Verified

When you verify your domain, the next thing to do is assigning your Business Facebook Page to the verified domain. This helps Facebook know that whatever you post on the Business Page, is an official update of the brand behind the verified website.

Here’s how the process looks like:

  • Go to the People And Assets tab, (top left, just below Business Settings)
  • Next, on the left sidebar, click on Domains
  • Then, under Assigned Asset, click Pages
  • From the list of Facebook Pages, pick the one you want to assign to the verified domain

Assigning Facebook page to your domain

And that’s it. Your Facebook Business Page is assigned to your domain. Now Facebook knows that everything you post on this Page is the official social update of the company behind the verified website.

To Wrap It Up

Verifying your domain and linking it to your Facebook Page is a crucial step in securing your brand presence on Facebook.

By doing so, you claim ownership of your site, and you tell Facebook which Business Page is the official representative of your brand, on Facebook.

Here are the benefits of connecting your website to your Facebook Page:

  • You have the ability to change how Facebook displays shared links from your website
  • You can improve Social SEO by posting customized URL updates
  • Facebook knows the official Page of your company
  • Your Page is more trustworthy as a linked asset

Facebook made this process very simple. Even non-techie Page owners can do this, in just a few minutes.

Now that you know how it is done go ahead and verify your corporate website and connect it to your Facebook Page.

This will help you share your blog posts and updates multiple times, without creating duplicate content.

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